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Getting here

The address of the DHI is:

Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6A
28359 Bremen, Germany

By public transport / train / plane

The best way to get here is to alight at the “Lise-Meitner-Strasse” stop; we are situated just a short walk from there. The stop is served by numerous Bremer Straßenbahn AG (BSAG) tram lines.

Tram line 6 travels from the “Bremen Airport (BRE)” stop at Bremen airport through the city center and via the main train station to the University in the Technologiepark, where the Digital Hub Industry is located.

By car

Travelling on the A1 motorway from Hamburg or Osnabrück, take the A27 towards Bremen-Bremeraven at Bremer Kreuz. You will then exit the A27 at the Universität/Horn-Lehe exit, traveling towards Centrum/Universität (city center/university).

You will then reach Lise-Meitner-Strasse, followed shortly by Konrad-Zuse-Strasse, where ample public parking is available.

By bike/scooter

Coming from the city center, you can either go through the Bürgerpark and along the Kleine Wümme river, or alternatively you can travel via H.-H.-Meier-Allee and along the Riensberger Friedhof cemetery. Jan-Reiners-Weg is the most useful route if you’re travelling from the surrounding area. You can access the building via Hildegard-von-Bingen-Strasse.