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Demo Day - Where theory meets practice!
After 100 days of intensive project work, our student teams present their innovative concepts. Join us and experience how academic knowledge is translated into real, practice-oriented solutions.

📅 Organized by:

🌟Look forward to:

🔹Practical projects:Experience how students develop customized solution concepts and apply their university knowledge.

🔹 Innovative business ideas: Be inspired by concepts that strengthen the competitiveness of companies and show new ways of working together.

🔹 Networking opportunities: Exchange ideas with practice partners, scientists and interested parties and shape the future of entrepreneurship together.

📌 Why should you attend?

🔸 Exclusive insights: Find out first-hand how collaboration between students, practice partners and scientists generates forward-looking ideas.

🔸 Discover talent: Make direct contact with students and get to know potential talent for your company.

🔸 Promote innovation: Discover new ways of collaboration and innovation that can strengthen your competitiveness.

🔸 Gather inspiration: Get fresh ideas and strategies for your own business.

📌 Be there on Demo Day and get inspired!

🔗 Attendance is free of charge. We are looking forward to welcoming you!